WiFi Master Key APK

WiFi Master Key APK

WiFi Master Key APK

Download WiFi 1.1 APK
Download WiFi 1.1.1 APK

Aside from offering you the chance to enjoy free WiFi anywhere in the world, WiFi Master Key also provides other features too. For instance, it can check the speed, security, and strength of the WiFi connection you are currently connected to. In order to utilize these features, you need to click the menu button located on the right-hand side of the WiFi connection you are currently using.

WiFi Master Key 1

This will open up a menu, showing features like Security Check, Speed Test, and Signal Detection. The Security Check will analyze the WiFi connection and make sure that it is safe for you to use. Speed Test feature will find out the network latency, and maximum and minimum speeds for your WiFi connection. The Signal Detection feature will help you in checking whether the WiFi signal is weak, good, or powerful.


User-friendly interface.

Intuitive design and layout.

Lots of free WiFi hotspots available.

Find hotspots all over the world.

Save money on mobile data plans.

Check security of WiFi connection.

Option for finding out the speed of the WiFi.

WiFi Map showing hotspots near your location.

How to use

In the Settings section, select Wi-Fi, wait 3-5 seconds to download the Wi-Fi list, and select hotspots with our icon “WiFi Master Key” to connect!

WiFi Master Key 2

WiFi Master Key is an app that is most likely to appeal to people who are looking for hotspots and places where WiFi is available for free. It enables them to find places near them that offer free WiFi connections to them. It is certainly an app worth having on your phone if you have to travel a lot and don’t want to spend money on mobile data.

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